In today's world and business environment, being innovative or not is no longer an option for companies. Being an innovative company has become an imperative. Both, the trends that have begun to affect businesses in the accelerating flow of technological and social developments, and the breaking points such as COVID leave no other way for companies.
The transformation of innovation into business results is only possible with systematic approaches and programs.
Piecemeal studies and innovation here and there can provide companies with an image of innovation, but they do not make a company innovative, resulting in waste of resources.
The Holistic Innovation® methodology, developed by Algoritma in 2006 and constantly updated, encompasses all aspects of innovation management, from determining the needs through market insights to strategic focus, from organizing company systems and processes to foster innovation to creating an innovation culture, from mobilizing resources to developing competencies, from saving while innovating to measuring innovation.
If you want to make your company truly innovative so that it becomes resilient and future-ready, contact us.