Algoritma is a leading strategy and innovation consulting company in Turkey.
It aims for companies to achieve sustainable profitable growth through innovation.
It is no longer valid to set a strategy by looking at past performance. With the discontinuities taking place today the past can no longer guide us. What needs to be carefully crafted today is creating the growth agenda for the future while strengthening and making today's business more resilient.
Algoritma has helped companies grow and reinvent their businesses for nearly two decades. It has helped large international companies and domestic companies, as well as mid-sized companies, to innovate, transform their business, build systems, gain agility and resilience, establish a new culture, and create growth strategies. It helped them overcome the major challenges facing them.
The game changing disruption in the world has accelerated significantly. Rapid change creates a need for transformation on the part of companies. This transformation should be at a minimum enough to meet the change in external conditions, ideally, it requires foresight to take advantage of opportunities and to get ahead of change. The uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity that companies face today is much greater. However, uncertainty also means opportunity and companies that are capable of turning uncertainty into an opportunity can achieve a serious growth potential and profit beyond their dreams.